Sunday, June 28, 2015

Alligator Kyrie's

So I gave myself a project and you guys might have seen this before in the earlier post but here is the finished product. This all started because I thought Kyrie Ivring's shoes looked like alligators so I just went with it and it came out better than I expected. Here is the process from beginning to end, I hope you guys enjoy it. 


Things you might have missed. (Sketches)

Here are some sketches you might have missed. I was going through a shoe phase for the past week or couple of days now. So I fused animals and shoes together and it came out great. This is the month I finally get a new laptop so I can get back to digitally doing things but I am enjoying the sketches that I've been doing. But these sketches have been helping my creativity process which is to just go all out with no limitations. Well here they are, Enjoy!! 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sketches of the week

I seriously have to get a new computer because not designing isn't working for me & sketching is becoming kind of boring because I don't sketch that often I guess? I don't know. I almost have enough money to pay for a new laptop. Ive done my research and now I know what I need in a laptop, it's just the saving up & buying it that's the hard part. Anyway here are some sketches from this past week. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A world on top of a turtle

"A world on top of a Turtle" This is the best picture I could take of this on 18x12in paper. I wanted to sketch something fun and big plus my internet and computer isn't working so I have to keep practicing some how. This was challenging to be honest because I had to rely on my imagination & composition which was pushed to the limit. Sorry again if the post seem funny or look weird it's because I'm posting on my phone. Also I'm in the process of getting a laptop and have been doing a lot of research on which one will work for me for now & it has been coming along great. So stick around for me & Enjoy!!

Computer illustrations

Well I told you guys my computer won't let me upload anything so I took it upon myself to just take pictures of the screen instead. With these I just stood at the screen with my tablet did some sketches and turned some of them into paintings. They're not all the way rendered but that's what I liked about them which are unfinished but finished at the same time. When I do my rendered stuff I love my line work but couldn't translate them over to the finished illustration so instead I kept the line work. Hope you like them like I do...Enjoy! 

Let's talk

Hey guys I've been working on some stuff lately and I am always coming up with the same problem over and over again which is the images turning out blurry. So I decided to work on that while also practicing masking which is becoming helpful. So I did this little design if you want to call it that and post it up on Instagram @jhenry_117. Playing around with the settings I still see that my images are still blurry to me. So I decided to do some research on the matter and I will get back to you on that when I finally figure out the problem. So while I do that here is the art work:

So as you can see it is a little blurry at the moment so I'm doing research to fix this problem. Other than that I can tell you guys some stuff that's been going on like me getting into the graphic design program at my school, which is the highlight of my summer or year as of now. I still don't think I accomplished anything though I feel like I have a long way to go before I can become a great designer or be great at what I do. But none the less I am so happy I got in. For now I'm doing my research, trying new things, and hopefully I will see an improvement because I'm my greatest critic. 

In other news I need a new computer, printer, and supplies but I'm low on funds at the moment so even though this summer I will be working my butt off I still will have to work my butt off to buy the things I need to be successful or at least get me there. So if the structure of my post seem weird that is because I am doing them through my phone since my computer doesn't want to work. With that said I will leave you with some sketches and some stuff you might not have seen from me in a while or you might have seen it and I just forgot I posted it. Enjoy! 

 More info on this coming soon.