Thursday, June 26, 2014

AXi Logo

Normal Logo

Here is the computerized version of the logo for the car I did the other day. It still needs some work but I'm getting better at it, this is Illustrator by the way. I like using Illustrator more than Photoshop but that's because I haven't really practiced using Photoshop like that. I am going to work on InDesign hopefully before class ends anyway here is the logo, ENJOY!

With 3Deffect

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sketch of the day [6/25/14]

Its been a while since I did one of these. Here is my sketch of the day, I decided to do a car. I wanted to test out this new style I'm thinking of adapting. I wanted to do something with some movement in it while also practicing on branding. So I decided to build a car from the ground up. This is the first time I've tried to draw a car in a while and I think I was successful in my opinion.  I call the car company Gold Star Finish Co. as you can see on one of the logos and the name of the car is AXi. As you guys can tell the pen strokes aren't that fluent but that will come with practice as this was a really fine pen. But I like it, it shows a lot of movement also I have to show you guys some stuff I have been doing in my summer art class as well so more on the way. Enjoy. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thoughts on the Creative Cloud

Hey everyone, I haven’t been doing much as of lately. Working more hours at work has cut my time not only drawing but also working out. Not only that but also trying to get my stuff for school and also finishing up community college. I love my summer class it is helping me get use to some of the software that I need to use in order to pursue my goal in one day owning my own graphic design studio. Speaking of that I have been doing my research on the Adobe Creative Cloud, trying to see if I need it so here are some positive and negatives to the Creative Cloud that I’ve seen and heard

Before I dive into that let me tell you why I need it. I need it for one thing and one thing only and that’s for the software. The school that I am going to requires me to have the software in order for me to get into the Graphic Design program and to also further my career as a graphic artist. That last reason is why I’m truly considering the cloud, it has all the programs I need in order to further my skills.

Now for some of you who have no idea what I am talking about and you are asking yourself, what is the Creative Cloud? The Creative Cloud is a software system created by Adobe that comes with every designer software and also some for film. The software that are included in the Creative Cloud are Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere Pro, and more. They are software that are not only used for graphic design but also for every medium of art. The thing that I love the most about the Creative Cloud is that it has everything that I need and more, that last line sounded like a bad love song sorry about that. It is great for anyone who wants to get better at editing and creating new things. The Cloud is a way for someone to sit back and become an artist creating whatever they want and not be limited to one thing or one application. With the Creative Cloud there are endless possibilities to what you can create.

Even though I like Creative Cloud there are somethings I don’t like about it as well. Unlike previous versions that most people loved about Adobe’s products is being able to own the software but now you can’t. With this product you can’t own it, and like other Adobe products nowadays, you can only rent it. Now Adobe gives you two options either pay for it monthly or pay for it all in one for a year subscription. The problem people are having is that once you pay for the yearly subscription it is still not yours and you have to pay for another yearly subscription. This is cool for those who make money off of this but it is not good for those who like to do these things for fun. It has gotten to the point where some of their programs are only offered for the cloud and that isn’t fair to everyone. It seems as though the cloud is targeted towards people who use it for business and not for those who use the program recreationally. The Cloud seems marketable and profitable but Adobe will lose some people in the process.

Upon doing more research I found some other information about the Cloud that others  have said. They all complain about the same errors while using it. One error is if it doesn’t work or if you don’t want it you have to pay extra to cancel it. When signing up for the cloud you also sign up for a one year agreement meaning you have to pay for it no matter what. I hated this, not only will you lose money if it doesn’t work but you are in danger of losing more money in the process and I feel that isn’t right for those who have been loyal customers from the beginning. When reading that I felt as though Adobe is trying to become a Monopoly, not the game but a monopoly meaning because of their lack of competition they can charge whatever they want and people will pay for it because they might not be the only ones with the software but they are the only ones with a quality product that everyone likes. I’ve also heard it is even hard for people to use the product because of the constant updates but doing my research I found that’s normal for new software systems and also you don’t have to update it just because it said so.

With that said here are my final thoughts, is Creative Cloud a good idea? Yes, Creative Cloud is a great idea, it gives you access to everything Adobe from art, to film, and even writing. It gives you things you need and a variety of other things as well and who knows you might need or want to use some day. But it also isn’t a good idea; Adobe is going to lose many loyal customers from this. The Cloud gives you a vast a ray of software to use but also causes so much trouble as well, from it having downloading problems, to sharing with others, not being able to own the software, and if you don’t want it you have to pay to not want it. It has its positives and negatives, if you want to pay $599.99 for the cloud, or $49.99 a month, which includes everything you want go ahead it’s a deal but like everything else it has its cost too. So would I, Jeri, pay for the cloud? To be honest I don’t know. I know it’s something I will need in the future but it’s kind of a win lose situation right now. I will keep you guys updated on it but for right now I am still weighing my options. More art on the way, ENJOY!!!     

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What I've been working on and what's new

As you guys know I got into my school of choice and man so much has happened in this week. So I got accepted last week and meet with my "advisor" or whatever and they told me that I would not be able to get into the program, Graphic Design, & I would have to wait a whole year before I could get into the program. When she told me that I was mad because I felt it shouldn't take that long to graduate but I in my mind I told myself I gotta do what I gotta do. Anyway, she gave me the number to talk to the department head of the Art department so I can see if that's something I want to do. I told myself, I don't wanna see this guy if he's going to tell me the same thing she said but I went anyway. On Wednesday, I went back to the school and talked to this guy and he was everything I didn't expect. He reminded me of my favorite teacher at my old school full of life and energy. He gave me the rundown of everything I wanted and needed to know. So as we continued to talk he gave me some information. He said I could still get into the classes that I need in order to graduate & start my career. I was shocked, so shocked that I couldn't say anything, but I was so happy at the same time. He took me on a tour of the school, well the art department, and I realized this is where I needed to be. After the tour we went back to his office and he gave me some emails to teachers that I needed to get in touch with and I went home. I was so happy that I couldn't explain what happened to my parents but I knew I had to get in touch with these teachers. So I went home and emailed them. 
The next day I checked my email and they replied to me. Both saying that they are trying to start more classes and see if I could get into one but the other said he could try to get me into one of the classes if they don't start the new class. I was overjoyed when I read the news that I came to the realization now that the picture below represents my week. It shows a girl leaving a place of comfort to a place of the unknown but she knows she has to survive. Lastly, this experience taught me it's not over. It's not over until you give up, I made an effort to go see these people and talk to them and it worked out. This is just a taste of what growing up is, leaving the comfort zone and doing what you have to do in order to get what you want. Next is getting these Adobe products, which is another journey within itself and I will be posting more about it next time but until then enjoy my painting and I will see you guys later. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Art of the week

I am horrible at doing these daily sketches now that I've been working more at my job. Also I'm in school doing some design work, working on using photoshop, illustrator, flash, & a little dream weaver. So expect more from me in the near future. But this is the picture I showed you guys a while back but I'm just now doing it. I've once again tried out the water color but once again I tried it with one type of brush. I did not like it at first but it grew on me so check it out. 

Also I'm working on a new project which I'm going to use acrylic paint. Here are the rough drafts of this sketch and also the sketched finished product. In other news I finally got into the school of my choice so I will be attending that school this fall & hopefully graduating soon. Even though I can't wait to finish school and start working I think I can start my career before I graduate if I want. All I have to do is keep drawing, learning, & getting better and also keep post for you guys to enjoy. So until next time, I'll see y'all later.