Friday, December 13, 2013

Side Project #1 [FInished]

Well I did it in two days, it wasn't that hard at all, so here is the final product. The funny thing about this was the fact that my mom didn't notice that I started painting this a day ago. Also when I was painting her & my sister pulled up, I had the blue tape over the black parts so paint wouldn't get on them. So at first glance or from a distance it looked like I painted the whole thing blue, my sister then had the nerve to say it was ugly. My family is too honest at times but then she noticed it was tape & she took what she said back. I left the buckets their natural color/texture to give it that old look. My mom said it looked like an old married farm couple but I thought it looked like a brother & sister helping out grandma & grandpa on the farm. It's funny how people can interpret something different off one picture or artwork. I hope you guys like this as much as my family does, here is the finished product: 

Today was a long day. Woke up at 7:30 a.m. to drop my brother off at school, came home couldn't go back to sleep so I ate breakfast & went to sleep. Woke up went to the gym, came home finished this up, took a shower, & I'm off to work in a couple of hours. I just keep reminding myself of what Big K.R.I.T. asked in one of his songs "...So what you been creating on your free time?". So I'm trying to use all my hours to my advantage. Okay, anyway, talk to y'all soon. 

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